Monday, 14 June 2010

Grilled Catfish

Ingredients :
1 kg fish, catfish, clean2 tsp lemon juice1 teaspoon salt
Sauce:50 ml lime juice
Refined:7 red chillies1 tbsp andalimanTwo young Etlingera elatior stalk stalk, finely sliced1 teaspoon salt1 tsp sugar5 cloves roasted red onions4 BTR hazelnut
Method:1. Sprinkle catfish with hot water so that mucus is lost. Dry the catfish body, then wash clean.2. Coat catfish with lime juice and salt, let stand 15 minutes.3. Cover pan with banana leaves, place fish on top. Fuel on the fire, while occasionally reversed until fish is cooked.4. Sauce: Mix the ground spices and lemon juice and stir well. Serve catfish with chili Etlingera elatior.


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