Thursday, 14 January 2010

Kinematics of Fluid

Fluid kinematics: kinematics to review the position, velocity, and acceleration, not force.

In general, the fluid is known to have a tendency to move or flow. Very difficult to rein in the fluid so as not to move. Shear stress is very small already causing fluid to move. Similarly, an imbalance of the voltage (pressure) will normally cause the fluid to move. In this case we will consider a fluid with a fluid motion bernbagai aspects without reviewing the actual forces needed to produce movement., Meaning that we will review the kinematics of the movement., Velocity and acceleration of the fluid and the depiction and visualization of its movement.


In general, fluid flow, which means there is a net movement of molecules from one point to another in the space as a function of time.

Figure 1. The locus of a particle which is indicated by its position vector

Fluid parameters can be illustrated with a picture field. Thus, we can describe the flow of a fluid in motion of fluid particles, rather than describing for each molecule.

Fluid particles are very small tied together (as is assumed as a continuum). Thus, at a certain time, or the depiction of the fluid properties density, pressure, velocity and acceleration, can be given as a function and the spatial coordinates. Serving fluid parameters as a function of spatial coordinates is called the image field (fluid representation) of the flow. Of course, the picture of a particular field may be different at different times, so to describe a fluid flow we must determine the various parameters, not only as a function of spatial coordinates (eg x, y, z) but also as a function of time, t,. So for a complete state temperature, T = T (x, y, z, t), on the whole of the floor to the ceiling and from wall to wall at a time during day and night.

Variable one of the most important fluid is the velocity field:

where u, v, w are the components of velocity vector in the direction of x, y and z. By definition, the velocity of a particle is unity when the rate of change of the particle's position vector. Since the velocity is a vector, the velocity has the direction and magnitude.
Line-currents (Streamlines), Line-lined (Streakline), Line-trace (Pathlines)
Although the fluid motion can be very complicated, there are various concepts that can be used to help us visualize and analyze the flow field. Here we discuss the use of line-flow (streamline), line-lateral line (streakline) and line-trace (pathline) in the flow analysis. Line-currents are often used in analytic studies, while the line-trace of lateral line and the line is often used in experimental studies.

A flow line is a line everywhere offensive (Tangent of) the velocity field. If the steady flow, nothing has changed with time at a point (including the direction of the velocity), so the line-currents are fixed lines in space. For the flow is not steady, the line-current can change its shape over time. Line-currents obtained analytically by integrating equation offensive line velocity field. For two-dimensional flow, the slope of the line-currents, dy / dx, must be equal to the tangent of the angle of the velocity vector in accordance with the x-axis or:
If the velocity field is known as a function of x and y (and t if the flow is not steady (, then this equation can be integrated to obtain the equation of the line-currents.

For steady flow, the line-currents, line-lateral line, and lines are the same tracks.


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